
Shout out to NOLA FLINTOFF *airhorn noise*

HELLO I AM NICHOLAS LAWSON AND I LIKE ALLIGAYTORSand lisards and dragons! this mywebstie but you are alreasy on my website but here it is in case you for get

here is a list ofthings i like but i gouss you could call them interests but i would say "obsessions" is more astute:

  1. (dont look down further if you dont like swearword)
  2. (ima wording you (warning you))
  3. (last chance sir or madam or neither of those two gender coded pronouns who is reding this)

in return fr your co-operation im changing up the font a bit so you dont get bored and leave because i know how kids are hese days with their tiny attention spans i bet you ony read the title page............ well i dont know how to make the fonts different in this inky whiteness but i made it bigger by shouting it louder in my mind so youll have to take it or leave it and id be greatful if you took it pease take it